Here's how to start receiving and resolving customer questions from inside Upsales.
Your domain needs to be verified before you can answer customer support tickets and send email confirmations for created tickets from your own email address. Unverified domains will send emails from, however the customer can still reply to the connected email.
- Click Settings → Customer support (appears in the menu when you have a Customer support licence)
- Enter the email address you want to use for receiving support tickets in Upsales. This will also appear to customers as the sender email address. Then click Send verification email:
- A verification code gets sent to your email address. Enter this in Upsales:
- Your email is now connected to Upsales. You will see the email in your list of connected email addresses.
- To reply to tickets from Upsales, your email domain needs to be verified. Upsales includes instructions showing you how.
- To create tickets automatically in Upsales from your verified email, set up automatic forwarding in your email provider settings. For the forwarding address, use the unique email address that appears after you enter the verification code (in Step 3):
- Gmail user guide
- Outlook user guide
- You can now view customer support tickets when you click the Support tab:
- Click an option in the sidebar to choose the ticket types to view:
My open tickets: Tickets assigned to you and requiring your response
My pending tickets: Tickets waiting for your customer to reply
My closed tickets: Tickets assigned to you that are marked as resolved
All open tickets: Tickets open within your customer support team and requiring a response
All pending tickets: Includes your pending tickets, alongside your team’s pending tickets.
All closed tickets: All tickets marked as closed.
Archived tickets: An alternative to deleting tickets, these can be viewed whenever you need to