With the company group overview, you can see what underlies the company's overall performance, adjust the view based on how you work with your customers' company groups, and optimize your strategies accordingly
This feature empowers you to make strategic, data-driven decisions while unlocking growth potential and safeguarding against risks. Key benefits of the Company Group Overview include:
- Accessing consolidated sales data across the entire group.
- Identifying trends and performance drivers effortlessly.
- Uncovering upsell opportunities within the group to fuel growth.
- Detecting potential risks in the group to stay ahead of challenges.
- Customizing the overview to match how you manage your customers' company groups.
For each company that are located to a company group, you can view the consolidated revenue by clicking the company group widget, or from the relation tab clicking show full overview from the company card
This article covers:
Analyse compay group data
Upsell potential
Risk management
Analyse company group data
All your sales data for the company group is consolidated, giving you an instant overview of which companies in the group you have sold to, who is managing what, who you last spoke with, and what is planned.
By default, all companies within the group that are added in Upsales will be included in the consolidation. You can adjust this selection by excluding companies through the "Showing sales data from" option. Once excluded, sales data for those companies will not appear in the overview.
Upsell Potential
Upsales identifies upsell potential within the company group by recommending companies whose purchases are low relative to their revenue, as well as potential customers in the group that resemble your largest customers. Click on the Upsell Potential widget to get a complete summary of which customers or prospects you should act on.
You can also easily filter the company group tree to, for example, only show companies in the group with specific revenue, number of employees, or industries. This simplifies prospecting within your customers' company groups. Click the filter buttons to filter the company group tree.
Risk management
Keep track of warnings and manage risks proactively, thereby creating a more secure foundation for strategic decisions and long-term planning for your work with the company group. Click on the Risks 3 Months widget to see which companies in the group have reported risks or warnings in the past 3 months.
*Risks are only shown for companies within the group that are added in Upsales.