Account Based Advertising (ABM) in Upsales lets you target specific companies at specific stages of the sales process.
This article covers setting up ABM using:
- Sales campaigns
- Segments (by importing companies with opportunities at a specific stage)
- Flows (by adding companies in segments to sales campaigns)
- Advertising campaigns (with sales campaigns as targets)
- Removing companies from campaigns (you probably want to stop showing ads to customers)
1. Create a Sales campaign
- Click Sales & CRM → Campaigns & call lists → Create campaign:
- Complete the details and click Save:
Ok, you've set up the sales campaign. Let's move on to automatically placing companies in your sales campaign:
2. Create a Segment
The segment will import all companies that have an opportunity in your chosen stage. You need to have marketing administrator access.
- Click Marketing → Segments & flows → Create segment:
- Add the segment name and description, and click Continue:
- Now you can now include and exclude contacts from companies. Click the Companies button:
- Choose Opportunities in the dropdown filter:
- Upsales will show you a list of opportunities
- Click More options:
- Go the field Opportunity stages and choose the stage you want the campaign to target:
- Click Save
- Great! You've selected what contacts the segment should include. Time to move on to the Flow
3. Create a flow
Use flows to automatically move companies through your funnel, based on actions you define.
Below adds companies in the segment to the sales campaign created in part 1:
- Click Marketing → Segments & flows
- Open your segment
- Click Flows → Create flow:
- You can use an Upsales template or click Create custom flow to create a flow from scratch:
- Give your flow a name, and other details such as when to send emails. Then click Edit flow:
- Click +Add and Action:
- Click Update company:
- Click Add campaign and choose the sales campaign you created in Part 1:
- Click Save action and click Save draft
- Next to the status tab, click the down arrow and click Activate the flow:
All done! Companies with an opportunity at a specific stage will now be added to your sales campaign based on segment and flow. Let's now move on to advertising campaigns.
4. Create an Advertising Campaign
- Click Marketing → Advertising → New ad campaign:
- Scroll down to Targets
- Click Account Based Marketing:
- In the box that appears, select the sales campaign you created in part 1:
- Click Save
- Add the rest of the information, such as campaign budget and date.
- Decide whether to create some banners/creatives
- Launch your advertising campaign!
5. Removing companies from campaigns
When your target companies become customers, you'll probably want to stop your campaign advertising to them.
You can do this by creating another segment and flow that removes companies without an opportunity from your sales campaign:
- Click the Marketing → Segments & flows → Create segment:
- Add a name and description and click Continue:
- Add an Opportunities filter in the Include contacts section:
- Click the link named "with" to change to "without":
- Click More options and choose the stages your campaign is targeting (the stages you chose in Part 2, Step 8)
- Click Save
- Click the Flows tab and then Create flow:
- Click Create custom flow, add the flow details and click Edit:
- Click +Add → Action:
- Click Update company:
- Click Remove campaigns and add your campaign:
- All done! The segment you created removes all companies that doesn't have an opportunity from your sales campaign