Upsales is used by 10,000+ sales professionals every day, and by reviewing the statistics for lost and won deals we unveiled some key insights:
- On average a sales rep. waits 3X longer for a No than a Yes
- The average sales cycle length in Upsales is 41 days to win a deal compared to 129 days to realise it's lost
Based on these insights, Upsales alerts you when a created opportunity is 20% older than your average won deal.
What can I do when I get the alert?
Always have a next step planned
Call, email, even visit your lead. Not having an appointment or phone call planned should be a big warning sign for your lead's buying intent. Here's why always having a next step is important.
Dare to close
Simply asking "What do you need to see or hear to make a decision to move forward?" can help remove barriers to your Sales process. From this call or appointment, you'll quickly learn if the deal is alive or not.
Tell your leads you'd very much like this deal to close but you understand if they're busy and that now's not the right time. Based on their response you'll know if the deal is alive or not. A sales rep who offers all the time in the world can be regarded as someone without much going on.
And if I find out the deal won't close?
Sometimes the conclusion from the above actions is simply that the deal isn't going to be won. It's something no one aims for, but this is an opportunity for you to spend time on the deals that will close.