Building an Upsales app for a chat provider, webinar host or any other type of lead conversion service? Create your own type of marketing event and let your users manage all their leads in one place.
Custom marketing events are easy to create using our API and supports contact and company lead score, user notifications and customized views for event details.
Simply send a POST to<apiKey>
With the json body containing the following properties:
score (number)
Lead score value of this event. If the score is 0 the event is hidden in many views.
date (string)
The date and time of the event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. Defaults to now if none specified.
client (number) *required*
ID of the client the event belongs to.
contact (number)
Id for the contact (if any) the event belongs to.
entityType (string) *required*
Must be set to MarketingCustom.
integrationId (number)
The ID of your Upsales app that creates the events (if any).
externalId (string)
- Maximum 36 characters
Add an external systems id to the event. Great for querying events as well as when the user wants more event details.
To understand how to use integrationId and externalId, read about Marketing event details further down.
subType (string) *required*
Short explanation of the type of marketing event. Usually something like Webinar.
value (string)
A value to complement the subType of your marketing event. Read more on how to use subType and value further down.
notify (true/false)
Set to true to notify the account managers about the event. Please note, if the score is 0, a notification will not be sent even with notify set to true.
notifyUserIds (Array)
If notify is set to true, you can skip notifying the account managers and instead add all recipients user ids here.
Curl example:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"score":10,"client":1,"entityType":"MarketingCustom","subType":"MyMarketing","value":"Awesome marketing event!", "notify": true}
How to use subType and value
With subType and value to your marketing event, the event will typically be displayed to the user with a bullseye icon and text like this:
contact on company had marketing event subType value
However, we've built some custom parsing for a selected few subTypes you can use to give your event special treatment!
subType Chat (chat bubble icon)
contact on company chatted on value
subType Video (play icon)
contact </spanon company watched video value
subType Event (ticket icon)
contact on company attended event value</span