On many lists in Upsales, you can perform actions on multiple rows at once by selecting each row you want to affect.
You can either tick each row, or tick the box at the top:
Depending on the actions you chose, a menu pops up:
Available actions
- Close activities
- Delete activities
- Export
- Update activities
- Update companies
- Update contacts
- Delete
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Update companies
- Update companies all contacts
- Add to segment
- Anonymize contacts
- Delete
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Send group mail
- Update companies
- Update contacts
- Delete
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Update companies
- Update companies all contacts
- Update contacts
- Update orders
- Delete
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Update companies
- Update companies all contacts
- Update contacts
- Update opportunities
Sent emails
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Send group mail
- Update companies
- Update contacts
- Delete
- Export
- Update companies
- Update companies all contacts
Email campaign
- Delete
- Export
- Export
- Quickcreate activities
- Reset score
- Update companies
- Update contacts
Website visitors & Forms
- Update companies
- Update contacts