Connect your phone system to work faster in Upsales.
How to use our app framework to make your telephone service available to Upsales user.
An Upsales phone app supports calling and hanging up, listen to recordings as well as enabling call specific reports for following up.
Looking for iPhone or Android apps?
Yes, it might be a bit confusing, but this article is for apps that run in Upsales and are used for phone calls. If you're looking for our mobile apps, as in iPhone or Android, click here.
How to build a phone app
Want to build your own phone app? Great! We'll walk you through each step.
1. Intro to Apps in Upsales
First, make sure to read our introduction to Apps in Upsales to get a general understanding of how an app is built and have your own Developer Account set up.
Toggle the Phone framework in your app
With your, perhaps new, knowledge of apps in Upsales and your Developer Account set up, make sure to toggle the Phone framework as an initiation when you're creating your app.
Learn about phoneCalls in Upsales API
Your app needs to do requests to Upsales API on behalf of your users to list and update phoneCalls objects.
2. Endpoints your app should listen to
As you know from the introduction to Apps in Upsales, we'll make requests to your app to let you know your app is being used. A phone app has the following endpoints to listen to.
To check if there are any ongoing phone calls
When the user starts a new phone call
When the user hangs up the call
To play a recording of the call (if available)
3. Webhooks your app should send
For a seamless user experience, make sure your app notifies us of the following events
When a call has been picked up
If the call was hung up outside of Upsales
Feedback? Got any questions or have we missed something that would make your Phone app even better? Let us know on