Calculating fields can be added to every order row, or for every order and opportunity.
When adding a calculating field to an order row, this makes a calculation for every row.
When creating a calculating field on an order & opportunity this shows in the bottom of every order & opportunity.
A Calculating Field can calculate variables from other custom fields such as Integer, Select, Currency, and Percent.
To make use of Calculating Fields, you need to set up custom fields.
This article covers:
- Opening Order Row Fields / Order & Opportunities fields
- Creating a Calculating Field on Order Rows
- Standard Calculating Fields on Order rows
- Creating a Calculating Field on Orders & Opportunities
- Standard calculating fields on Orders & Opportunities
Opening Order Row Fields, or Order & Opportunities fields
- Click Settings → CRM → Fields:
- It's possible to create a calculating field on both Order & opportunities, and Order row:
Creating a Calculating Field on Order row
- Click Settings → CRM → Orders & opportunities:
- To create a Calculating Field on Order row, click Add field:
- Select Calculation:
- In Field name, enter the field that will show on the order row. Below's example shows Total Price, which will be used to calculate the order's total price:
- Click Add field and a dropdown appears, where you can add fields to your formula. Choose a custom field or a standard field:
Standard fields on order rows include:
Price - Price on the product
List price - Product list price
Discount - Discount percentage
Total value - The total value of the order
Total gross value - Total price before discount
Total discount - Total discount in monetary value
- Add a new field for each variable in your formula. Add operators like +,-,* and / for each field. Just like you would on any calculator. You can also use ( ).
Below we've added the custom fields Developers, Hours and Price/hour. By multiplying the fields we will find out what the total cost based on number of developers, their hourly price and how many hours they will work.
- Click Save when you're done
- Congratulations! You've made a calculating field! It will now show on all order rows:
Creating a Calculating Field on Orders & Opportunities
- Click Add field:
- Select Calculation:
- In Field name, type in the name of the field that will show on the order/opportunity. We have named our Average total revenue/developer since we want to calculate how much each developer will charge in average. Then click Add field:
- A dropdown menu appears underneath the Formula text area. Choose to add a pre-prepared custom field, or choose a standard field:
Standard fields for calculating fields in Orders & Opportunities include:
Price - Probability % that the opportunity will be closed, based on position in the sales board.
Discount - Discount percentage
Order value - The total value of the order
Total gross value - Total price before discount
Total discount - Total discount in monetary value
- Add a new field for each variable in your formula.
For example, here we've added the integer field Developers and standard field Order value. By dividing total order value with the number of developers we will find out how much on average each developer will charge. How many developers there are in total is decided on how many developers is added on each order row.
Add operators like +,-,* and / for each field. Just like you would on any calculator. Be sure to add ( ) if needed. - Click Save when you're done
- Congratulations! You've made a calculating field! This one will now show every order & opportunity:
Restrictions: You cannot use a calculated field within another calculated field of the same type.
For example, you can use a calculated field from Order rows in a calculated field under Orders. However, you cannot use a calculated field from Order rows in another calculated field within Order rows.