Upsales uses REST API, which means that you can create, fetch or update anything in your Upsales account via an integrated or custom application using an API key that you generate in Upsales.
This article covers:
- API key best practices
- How to activate the API Product
- How to create an API key
- How to delete an API key
API key best practices
The API key has unlimited access to modify your Upsales account. Therefore, we strongly recommend:
- Restricting access to the API key
- Restricting actions they can perform
- Creating a separate API key for each integration, for tracking actions and troubleshooting integrations
How to activate the API Product
- To activate the Upsales API, click Settings → Account → Billing portal:
- Click Products:
- Activate the API
- Click Settings → Account → Security → API keys:
- Click the toggle to include API integrations in your reports:
How to create an API key
- Click Settings → Account → Security → API keys:
- You'll see a list of any previously created. Click New API key:
- Enter a Name to identify the API key:
- Click Generate key:
- The unique API key is displayed. This is the only time this key will be displayed.
- Click Click to copy to copy the API key to your computer's clipboard:
- Paste the API key in a safe location for storage.
- Select Close to close the Create API key screen:
How to delete an API Key
- Click Settings → Account → Security → API keys:
- Hover over the API key you want to delete. Click the trash icon that appears:
View Upsales API documentation for more on programming API key usage