Automatically generate hyperlinks for different entities within your Upsales account. Treat these as saved bookmarks for your most-visited areas. You can also add dynamic tags to give each entity its own unique URL.
You can attach quick links to a:
- Company
- Contact
- Appointment
- Activity
- Order
- Sidebar
- Click Settings → Account → Business rules → Quick links:
- Click New link:
- Click the tab to choose where the link will be displayed. Options are company, contact, appointment, activity, order, sidebar:
- You can also click Available tags to add dynamic tags to your hyperlinks. These automatically change based on the entity, generating a unique URL. These work in the same way you can add dynamic tags for events and dynamic tags for emails:
- Add the link title, and the full URL (toggle to open the link in a new window):
- Click the dropdown or search an icon (from Font Awesome) and click colour to change:
- Click Save and the quick link is stored (hover and click to edit or delete):
- Because the example above is for an appointment, the quick link appears under participants when you create a new appointment: