When creating or editing contacts, any phone numbers are auto-formatted to match the chosen country code.
This article covers:
Auto-formatting: How it works
When adding or editing a contact, the phone number will be formatted to a valid phone number.
- When entering a phone number manually, or copy-pasting for another source, any non-numeric characters will be removed and the phone number will be formatted based on the country code.
For example, a Swedish a number with the format (+46) 8-505 806 00 will get a valid format (as displayed below) when copy-pasted into the contact. - If you enter a phone number without country code, the phone number will be formatted based on the selected country code.
For example, a Swedish number with format 08-505 806 00 will get a valid format (as displayed below) when copy-pasted into the contact.
Phone number validation
Phone number validation is based on country code. If the phone number has the wrong number of digits or any digit is in the wrong place (based on country code format) you'll be prompted to correct this.
- For example, if the number has too few or too many numbers you'll be prompted to correct this.
- Another example, if the number starts with the wrong digit (based on country code) you'll be prompted to correct this.