Treat Title category as a field for internal reference. A place to add extra context and details, and to make sure the right contact appear when you search in your database. Your internal users see it, but your external customers won't.
Reasons to use title category
Example 1: Standardising job titles
Your contact is a marketing manager and their official job title is "Technology Evangelist". This goes in the title field.
Imagine your sales team has many different nationalities and languages. Some reps may not know what "Evangelist" means. In the title category field you could put "marketing manager" in the language of each sales rep.
Example 2: Adding explanations
Imagine there are three Co-Owners in the same company. Each one is responsible for different functions. In the title category field you could put "Focuses on sales" or "Focuses on development".
How to use title category
Click Settings → CRM → Fields → Contact:
You'll notice a Title category field, with a tick-box to activate.
if you don't see this option, get in touch and we'll activate it. This will also display fields for "first name" and "last name", instead of the one "full name" field.
Click on Title category and then click the "new value" button:
You can now add your title category. For this example we'll enter "interim Managing Director" and click Save.
Now, go to Settings → Sales & CRM → Companies & contacts and click My contacts in the dropdown:
Now, when you open an existing contact or add a new contact, you'll see a dropdown under Title category. Click this to see your newly added Title category:
Because these are saved and appear in the dropdown, there's no duplication. You add your pre-defined value, and your users only use what they see in the dropdown – they can't add free text (unlike with the title field).
Search & filter
Title category also appears in the filters when you're searching through contacts. Click All to configure your title category search: