On the company card, you can find the Contacts smart tab at the top of the page. Clicking that will show you all the contacts that the company has.
Sorted by relevance
The contact list is sorted by relevance by default, which can be very useful if the company has many contacts. The relevance sorting takes the following into consideration:
- First, we look for contacts that have a sale within a year.
- After that, we look for contacts that have an opportunity within a year.
- Then we look for planned appointments and open activities.
- We then check if there have been any sales or opportunities.
- The contacts are then sorted by lead score.
- And lastly, we sort them by name and that they are active.
Toggle the list to A-Z order
If you need to find a specific contact, you may prefer an alphabetically ordered list. Select the A-Z toggle at the top of the list.