How to sync your invoices and information between Upsales and Fortnox.
Does your Upsales account already have companies, products and orders? Contact Upsales Support before activating to avoid potential duplication.
This article covers:
Activating Fortnox app
- Click Settings → App directory:
- Locate Fortnox in the Apps list (Fortnox Premium and Fortnox Lagersaldo are also available):
- Click Activate:
- Click Accept terms to continue
Congratulations, you've activated Fortnox in your Upsales account!
Now you need to press Logga in i Fortnox in the settings to connect the systems. This will take you to Fortnox where you need to log in and accept the app permissions. Once that is finished you will be redirected to Upsales again and can continue the configuration
Setting up Fortnox app (Swedish interface)
To finish the setup:
- Configure order sync
- Choose which pricelist to sync from Fortnox to Upsales
The Fortnox integration syncs the initial order. Any backorders will not be synced back to Upsales.
Order settings (in Swedish)
Modul att synka
Välj det som ska synkas från Fortnox till Upsales. Du kan välja bara faktura, bara order eller order & offert.
Välj den användare som ska stå som referens på order eller faktura, om ingen användare finns angiven i Vår Referens. |
Vunnen order fas
Välj i vilket steg, i Upsales säljtavla, som affärsmöjligheten ska befinna sig då faktura/order skapas i Fortnox. |
Förlorad order fas
Välj i vilket steg, i Upsales säljtavla, som ska motsvara makulerad order/faktura i Fortnox.
Välj i vilket steg, i Upsales säljtavla, som affärsmöjligheten ska befinna sig då offert skapas i Fortnox. (Används endast vid synk mot offert/order) |
Product settings (in Swedish)
Välj vilken prislista i Fortnox som ska synkas över till produkterna Upsales.
Om du använder produktpaket i Upsales kan du ange hur du vill att Upsales ska skicka över paketet till Fortnox. |
Detailed descriptions
Initial sync
When you first activate the integration, all data needs to be synced between Upsales and Fortnox.
Customer, product and order/invoice data is imported automatically into Upsales.
Deleting a customer in Fortnox? Upsales will remove the customer number but not the company.
Deleting a customer and the company? You'll need to do this manually. This is to minimize any potential risks from automatic deletions.
Creating a company in Upsales? Syncing only happens when the company has a sale (100% probability) registered.
Creating a company in Fortnox? Syncing with Upsales happens automatically.
When a company in Upsales has a Fortnox customer number, any changes in either system are synced.
Products are synced from the Fortnox article register to Upsales. You can only choose one price list.
You can choose to sync sales in Upsales to orders or invoice modules in Fortnox.
Choose invoice module, and an invoice is automatically created in Fortnox when an opportunity changes to an order (100% probability).
Invoices created in Fortnox are synced with Upsales.
Users (can't be different settings in the same account) will be able to choose to sync sales in Upsales to orders or invoice module in Fortnox.
Choose order module, and an order is created in Fortnox when an opportunity change to an order (100% probability).
Adding a discount to an order in Upsales? In Upsales you'll see the gross order value (before the discount), the discount percentage, and the net order value.
In Fortnox, the net order value is synced. So if you notice a difference between order values in Upsales and Fortnox, check for discounts possibly affecting gross and net values: