Explore what happens when you launch your event.
This stage comes after you've:
- Created an event
- Selected your guests
- Planned your automated resources
To launch an event:
- Click Marketing → Events:
- Click the event and click the Launch tab:
- Scroll down and you'll see the Launch your event button:
When you click this and launch the event:
The first invite is sent to your chosen contacts.
It can take up to three hours for invitations to start arriving
Any other automated emails will act based on the trigger (such as sending the booking confirmation when the contact signs up, or sending the day-before reminder to contacts who have signed up)
The event status changes to launched. This deactivates some fields in the event (like the event name and date) from further editing.
- You can now manually change the status for guests, including checking them into the event. The event also includes a link for the external check-in mode.
Your pre-tracked links are created so that you can share your event and track which channels have the most impact on sign-ups. You can create additional custom links for tracking using .